QO-100 Telemetrie-Daten-Empfang mit GNU Radio Companion 3.8.1
Empfang der PSK-Daten über eine 1,3m-Offset-Satelliten-Schüssel, ein umgebautes LNB, das die Empfangsfrequenz von ca. 10GHz heruntermischt auf ca. 739MHz und einen RTL-Stick am PC. Die Daten werden dann vom PC (Intel Core I7, Debian 10) und der Software GNU Radio Companion aufbereitet und dekodiert.
Von QO-100 empfangene Nachrichten in der PSK-Bake, von Gnu Radio decodiert (Ausgabe der Console von GNU Radio Companion, Dank an DF1DO)
2020-05-01 09:44:10 Packet number 2 N HI de Qatar-OSCAR 100 (DK0SB) In order to coordinate potential emergency communications during the actual or any other crisis, the following frequency will be assigned as international emergency frequency on QO-100 NB Transponder: Downlink: 10489.860 MHz Uplink: 2400.360 MHz SSB channel: max. 2.7kHz bandwidth All users on QO-100 are encouraged to monitor this frequency, but keep it clear for emergency traffic! 2020-05-01 09:45:01 Packet number 4 L HI de Qatar-OSCAR 100 (DK0SB) Transponder is open for general use since 2019-02-14. Enjoy the Narrow Band (NB) and Wide Band (WB transponders. Follow the guidelines and keep transmiter power below beacon. For more information visit: http://amsat-dl.org/ QO-100 was brought to you by Es'hailSat, QARS and AMSAT-DL. Good Luck and Good DX via the first geostationary P4-A satellite 2020-05-01 09:47:08 Packet number 9 M HI de Qatar-OSCAR 100 (DK0SB) 2020-02-14: Celebrating 1 year of QO-100 New bandplan with extended transponder range active now. New beacons (and new LEILA ground station) currently experimental. New beacon frequencies: CW now F1A on 10489500 Middle Beacon AMSAT PSK 10489750 Experimental Beacon 10490000 currently also F1A CW
Konfiguration der verwendeten Hardware:
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 00000001
Found Elonics E4000 tuner